Taiwan begins mass production of long-range missiles to boost defence amid Chinese threat

China's New Hypersonic Missiles Could Hit Anywhere in the U.S. in Under an  Hour: Chinese Experts
China's New Hypersonic Missiles

Taiwan has started the mass production of a long-range missile along with developing three other models, said a senior official on March 25 in a rare public admission of the self-ruled democratic island’s efforts to develop its strike capacity as Chinese pressure intensified. As per the RT report, Taiwan Defence Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng revealed that the island is developing a long-range attack capability was a priority while taking questions from the lawmakers in the parliament.

China has always considered Taiwan as its own ‘breakaway province’ and has repeatedly warned of using force against the ‘elements’ that demand Tapei’s independence. However, Taiwan officially recognises itself as the Republic of China (ROC) even though Beijing has said Taiwan’sindependence means war’. The Democratic and self-ruled island lived under the constant threat of invasion by China.

Taiwan Defence Minister reportedly said, “we hope it is long-range, accurate and mobile” while also adding that research on such weapons by the state-owned National Chung-Shan Insitute of Science Technology had "never stopped.”

As per the report, standing next to Chiu, the institute’s deputy director Leng Chin-hsu said that one long-range, land-based missile had already entered production along with three other long-range missiles in development. However, Taiwan Defence Minister also noted that it was “not convenient” for him to provide any further details regarding the missiles or the range.
Taiwan Increases Deployments In South China Sea

Last week on March 17, Chiu also said that the United States-approved sale of sensitive submarine technologies to the country has not been impacted. Chiu Kuo-cheng, who was speaking to the parliament, assured the house that there have been no changes to the deal between Taiwan and the United States despite the new administration in the White House. According to Taipei Times, Washington had approved the sale of certain defence technologies to Taiwan in December 2020.

As per reports, Chiu Kuo-cheng also informed the parliament that Taiwan has increased deployment of personnel and weaponry in the South China Sea to counter Chinese threats, adding that Beijing is capable of starting a conflict anytime. Chinese incursions in the South China Sea have massively increased in the past couple of years, which experts suggest is a move to pressurize Taipei into accepting Beijing’s sovereignty over Taiwan.

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