ISIS Women - Coronavirus Does Not Infect Muslims, Only Kafirs Die Of The Virus

ISIS Women - Coronavirus Does Not Infect Muslims, Only Kafirs Die Of The Virus

    ISIS women said that coronavirus has not infected them because they fast, pray, are pious and follow Islam in the path of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. On April 9, 2020, Rudaw TV (Iraqi Kurdistan) aired an interview of ISIS women at the Al-Hawl refugee camp in Syria.

    “The disease(coronavirus) doesn’t infect us because we are pious, we fast and we pray. We only fear Allah. We follow the true Islam in the path of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. This disease infects the infidels(Kafirs) because they oppress the prisoners and the brothers. It infects them. It doesn’t infect Muslims. Have you seen any Muslim died from this disease? All those who died were infidels(Kafir),” ISIS women said to Rudaw TV (Iraqi Kurdistan) at Al-Hawl Refugee Camp.

    When Reporter said that Many Muslim have also died from this disease (Coronavirus) then ISIS women replied, “They were not Muslims. They were oppressors. I am not saying that all Muslims are decent people. If any Muslim who have died from coronavirus because they weren’t true Muslims. This disease doesn’t infect Muslims. This disease only infects Kafirs.

    Coronavirus is just one soldier sent by Allah.”
