Balochistan launches a scathing attack on Pakistan on London Landmarks - WATCH

Balochistan launches a scathing attack on Pakistan on London Landmarks - WATCH

The World Baloch Organisation and Baloch Republican Party organised a projection over iconic landmarks in London including the UK Houses of Parliament, Marble Arch and Shoreditch High Street. 

The projection read “Help end enforced disappearances in Pakistan”. The projection also included a video of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan in which he vowed to resign if he was unable to put an end to the practice of Enforced Disappearances in Pakistan, holding those involved responsible. 

The groups believed that the projection will serve as a key message and reminder to the international communities of their responsibility to speak out against enforced disappearances and extra- judicial killings in Pakistan. The projection also aims to raise awareness amongst Londoners on the dire situation that desperately calls for international attention and support.

The organizers of the campaign have long been engaged in efforts to highlight the worsening human rights situation in Balochistan at international platforms, organising events around Europe and in the United States, focusing on advocacy activities in the European Parliament, the US parliamentary houses, and the United Nations. 

The WBO and the BRP are non-violent and democratic organisations led by Baloch individuals, dedicated to raising awareness of the dire situation of human rights in Balochistan.
