US trained over 1,000 Indian Anti-Terrorism Experts - Pak Media

US trained over 1,000 Indian Anti-Terrorism Experts - Pak Media

Since 2008, the United States has provided anti-terrorism training for 1,200 Indian security personnel, the US Department of Defence announced on Tuesday.

“Both nations are committed to combating terrorism by strengthening intelligence and information sharing, screening for terrorists and monitoring their use of the internet,” said a policy paper posted on the Pentagon’s official website.

In 2016, the United States designated India a major US defence partner and in June this year they pledged to broaden military-to-military engagements, including maritime cooperation, promoting mutual interests in high-technology and facilitating defence trade between US and Indian businesses.

Recently, the two allies signed a Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement that allows both India and the US to operate on the same communication systems, enabling further opportunities for interoperability in military engagements.

The Pentagon report pointed out that the India-US Joint Strategic vision affirms the two nations’ shared views for stability in the region and allow them to develop a roadmap to improve security architecture and strengthen regional dialogues.
