Seeking US help for peace along India border : Pakistan

Seeking US help for peace along India border : Pakistan

Pakistan has for the first time publicly revealed that it is seeking US assistance for peace along the border with India in a quid pro quo for Islamabad’s support for Trump’s campaign to stabilise Afghanistan. 

Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said this during his remarks at the Asia Society in New York, ahead of his speech at the UN General Assembly, where he blamed India for terror attacks, including one at Peshawar school a few years back for which a militant outfit Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan had claimed responsibility. 

“Today India is a strategic partner of the US, we have no problem with that,” Qureshi told the audience at the Asia Society referring to growing ties between New Delhi and Washington. 

He added: “Have new ones, (but) why lose old friends.” In return for continued help to the US in Afghanistan, Qureshi wanted Washington to pressure India on relations with Pakistan. 

“If the US wants us to help (in Afghanistan)... then they have to tell their new strategic partner to give us ease on the eastern side so we can concentrate on areas of mutual interest."
