No ties with Pakistan at India's cost, relations with New Delhi long-term: Russia

No ties with Pakistan at India's cost, relations with New Delhi long-term: Russia

The Russian ambassador said that Russia's relations with Pakistan should not be a matter of concern for India since ties with India are of “strategic, long-term” nature, as per a report by news agency PTI. Nikolay Kudashev, the Russian envoy to India also said that the relations with Pakistan are only a way of contributing towards regional stability.

Kudashev further said that it was for ensuring a stable Pakistan and the efforts are being made to combat terrorism. He also added that during the summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi a few days ago, no concern was expressed over Russia-Pakistan ties.

"What is it to be concerned about. The relationship is very clear. We need a stable far as I understand, this is also the idea of the Indian side," he told reporters. He also said that the military exercises with Pakistan were only part of a counter-terror drill and “nothing more should be read into it”.

Kudashev further compared the military cooperation with Pakistan to that with India and said that it's “almost nil” in comparison. Claiming that something new must happen to bring Pakistan to the “regional mainstream, the ambassador said that it is important to convince them to invest more in fighting terrorism.

"No sensible person in Russia will say that we develop relations with Pakistan at the cost of India. It's impossible," the Russian envoy was quoted as saying. "Pakistan joining the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) is a proof that this effort is succeeding. I don't feel there is any matter of concern for India. Our relationship with India is of strategic long-term nature," he added.
