'If China Takes Over Sikkim, Then Our Job Is Done', Says Stung Member Of The Front For Khalistani Group

'If China Takes Over Sikkim, Then Our Job Is Done', Says Stung Member Of The Front For Khalistani Group

In a mega exclusive, the stung member of the Dal Khalsa, UK flaunts proudly how the biggest support for the break-India, secessionist demand of Khalistan is now coming from China. Republic TV's Shawan Sen went to Britain, where he unearthed the 'Break India' plans and in an explosive sting operation are members of Khalistanti front organizations, revealing how they are working in close proximity with countries like China and Pakistan to wreak havoc in India.

'If China takes over Sikkim then our job is done' ::

Heaping praise on China, the country which has been building tension in Doklam, Gurcharan Singh, member of the once banned Dal Khalsa, breaks down the plan of action and the idea behind seeking Chinese support. He says,

"For example, China, our office is in China in Beijing. The whole political idea of those offices in Beijing is to keep going to the communist party and tell them you can do what you want. You want to take over Sikkim? You can take over Sikkim." He adds "the main idea is to sell this idea to them that you are welcome. We will justify you internationally."

Gurucharan asserts that his group's task will be done when Sikkim is captured by China and declares “We will be out on the streets saying China is good and India is bad in every other country outside India. And if China takes over Sikkim then our job is done.”

'Very good response from China' ::

A member of formerly banned outfit is not the only one insinuating a Chinese connection. Paramjeet Singh Pamma, a man wanted in India for bombings and murders, makes similar claims on being asked about Chinese links by Republic TV’s Senior News Editor Shawan Sen.

On being asked “My understanding is that you have a great understanding with the United States of America. You have a great understanding with Britain because Britain allows you to voice your opinion and perhaps carry out the activities that you are. And also for that matter China, China is where you have an active Khalistani office, you know engaging with the Communist Party of China at that point in time. There is a direct interaction which is with China. See if you really look at that kind of engagement, do you think that this is the strategy and this is the good response perhaps you are getting when you're engaging with several countries like this?”

Paramjeet Singh Pamma who is still wanted on criminal charges in India cryptically says “That is what I am saying. All I can say is that we have got very good response, very good response and we had a very good approach and in a legal manner and the response is unbelievable.”

During the whole investigation, many such stunning and shocking revelations are uncovered. From a possible link of Pakistan in the attack of Akali leader Manjeet Singh in US to the claims that the group has killed over 2,700 people, including many PMs, CMs and Generals of the Army, in a first ever sting operation Republic TV has exposed the real face of such groups and their members.
