US priorities in South Asia changed after it made new friends: Pak Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi

US priorities in South Asia changed after it made new friends: Pak Foreign Minister Shah     Mehmood  Qureshi

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the US wants to make Pakistan a sacrificial goat to hide its failures and added that Washington's priorities have changed in the region after it made “new friends”. Speaking at Asia Society, New York Qureshi, however, added that the US can play an “outstanding role” in solving Indo-Pak dispute.

The Pakistani foreign minister stressed that bilateral talks between India and Pakistan on Kashmir will always remain the first preference. Saying that India was allergic to a third party intervention Qureshi added that by intervention he did not mean "dictating terms."

Pakistan wants to play a positive role in Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is not the only responsibility of Pakistan, he further added. Earlier, the Foreign Minister had stated that Pakistan wants peace in the region, but on the other hand, India is trying to escape from the dialogue.

Yesterday, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj left a meeting of the SAARC foreign ministers early, which was attended by her Pakistani counterpart Shah Mehmood Qureshi. She left after making her statement prompting criticism from Qureshi who later told reporters, "No I didn't have any talk with her On the positive gesture, I can say she left the meeting mid-way, maybe she was not feeling well".

In her speech, Swaraj had said that an environment of peace and security is essential for regional development and cooperation and added that terrorism remains the single-largest threat to peace and stability in the geopolitical region and the world.
