J&K : Unknown outfit warns Hizbul Mujahideen for targeting police, warns of uprising

J&K : Unknown outfit warns Hizbul Mujahideen for targeting police, warns of uprising

A poster written in Urdu and videos surfaced in Jammu and Kashmir slamming the Hizbul Mujahideen for the death of three special police officers (SPOs). The poster is believed to be circulated by an unknown outfit, the Pulwama and Shopian Tigers, however, its authenticity has not been verified yet. The poster has been addressed to Hizbul Mujahideen commander Riyaz Naikoo and asks him to clarify his stand on the killing of policemen. The poster has also warned of an uprising against Hizbul militants if they don’t stop targeting police personnel.

Calling the attack on innocent policemen ‘un-Islamic’, the poster and the video asks Naikoo that why is he not forcing the policemen to resign first as they are only working to feed their families.

In a separate incident, a video of a woman special police officer (SPO) of Jammu and Kashmir announcing her resignation from the force surfaced on social media and has since gone viral. The video comes days after three SPOs were abducted and shot dead by Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba militants in Shopian district. Shortly after the killings, at least six SPOs announced their resignations on social media.

"I am Rafeeqa Akhtar from Bonigam Kulgam. I have been working as an SPO for the last 15 years, but today I am leaving the job according to my will," the woman SPO said in the video. This is the first time a woman police official has announced her resignation in a video message.

Last week, a video message by Hizbul Mujahideen had warned all local policemen, especially SPOs, to resign.
