India successfully test fires short-range tactical ballistic missile Prahaar

India successfully test fires short-range tactical ballistic missile Prahaar

Amidst downpour, India successfully test-fired surface-to-surface short-range tactical ballistic missile Prahaar from a defence facility off Odisha coast on Thursday paving the way for its induction.

Mounted on a mobile launcher the indigenously developed missile was flight tested from the launching complex-III of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at about 1.35 pm.

“The missile blasted off from a canister travelled the desired range before zeroing on the target. All systems functioned normally. The mission achieved a copybook success,” said a defence official.

Equipped with state of the art navigation, guidance and electromechanical actuation systems with the latest onboard computer, the missile achieved the terminal accuracy of fewer than 10 meters. It went up vertically and then manoeuvred as coordinated.

“The missile was launched from a road-mobile launcher, which can carry six missiles at a time and can be fired in salvo mode in all directions covering the entire azimuth plane. There was not a single degree deviation during the entire flight path,” the official told The New Indian Express.

Having a strike range of 150 km, Prahaar has no parallel in the world in its range category. It fills the vital gap between multi-barrel rocket Pinaka and medium-range ballistic missile Prithvi. Unlike Prithvi, it can engage multiple targets in different directions.

The missile capable of carrying different types of warheads will operate as battlefield support system to the Indian Army. It has a greater manoeuvring capability, acceleration and can be deployed in different kinds of terrain making it more effective against strategic targets.

The weapon has sophisticated inertial navigation and electro-mechanical actuation system. It can be transported to anywhere within a short span of time. It was the second test of the missile, which was first tested on July 21, 2011. It will be indicted in the army after few more tests, the official said.

Fuelled by solid propellant Prahaar missile is about 7.32 meter long and its diameter is 420 mm. While its launch weight is about 1.28 tonne, it can carry a payload of 200 kg. The missile system is developed to provide the Indian Army with a cost-effective, quick reaction, all weather, all terrain, high accurate battlefield support tactical system.

Prior to the test, 4228 people including 3593 adults and 635 children from 634 families in five hamlets located within two km radius of the test range were shifted to two temporary shelters and mariners were alerted.

What makes Prahaar lethal

Strike range is 150 km
Small, lean and slim having a length of 7.32 meter and diameter 420 mm
Weighs around 1.28 tonne
Can carry warhead up to 200 kg
Uses solid propellant and travels at a speed of Mach 2
Highly manoeuvring with better accuracy
Launcher can carry six missiles having different kind of warheads meant for different targets
Can be fired in salvo mode in all directions covering the entire azimuth plane
Can be deployed in both stand-alone and canisterised mode
