India launches UTRAQ, first 'desi' version of GPS module based on ISRO's IRNSS

India launches UTRAQ, first 'desi' version of GPS module based on ISRO's IRNSS

India has launched its very own GPS module. Known as 'UTRAQ', the module was introduced at an event in New Delhi, MobileTek and Rama Krishna Electro Pvt Ltd UTRAQ is a VTS module based on IRNSS to track locations. India, so far, had the GPS based applications in devices that were based on the feed given by US satellites. 

L110 GNSS and L100 GNSS are the two modules launched. The L110 GNSS module is a compact NavIC module, while the L100 GNSS module is a smaller-sized POT (Patch on Top) IRNSS module. These modules can be used for different tasks other than tracking. These include ranging, command, control, timing and more. 

UTRAQ modules can be used for marine, aerial, terrestial navigations. These modules can also be used for vehicle tracking and Geodetic data capture among others.

The 'desi' VTS module's concept was first initiated for services and devices soon after tge Kargil War in 1999. The VTS module which is a part of IRNSS was pushed for when Pakistan troops took positions in Kargil. India, then asked for the GPS location data that was being handled by the US satellites. US refused to help India during the war situation. The GPS-based data by the US would’ve given some vital information, helping India manage the situation and control the damage. 

UTRAQ's launch will help ISRO systems will be able to provide accurate data without any dependency on foreign satellites. IRNSS is also said to provide the positioning for the Indian region 1500km around the Indian mainland as the primary service area. The extended service area of IRNSS would lie between the primary service area and the area enclosed inside the Latitude 300 South to 500 North and Longitude 300 East to 1300 East.

The UTRAQ modules support L1 and L5 bands, EPOTM orbit prediction, EASYTM self-generated orbit prediction and measures 18x16x2.3mm.
